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    Willkommen bei Wiener Kosmetikum Detox-WickeL! Detox wird leider oft mit einer Abnehmkur verwechselt. Das Hauptziel von Detox ist jedoch die Entgiftung und Entschlackung des Körpers. Unsere Detox-Serie unterstützt die Hauptfilter unseres Körpers - Leber, Milz und Haut. Durch speziell entwickelte Kräuterkombinationen helfen wir dabei, Giftstoffe und überschüssige Stoffwechselprodukte aus dem Körper zu entfernen. In der heutigen Zeit ist das wichtiger denn je. Vorteile auf einen Blick: Aktivierung des Stoffwechsels Stärkung des Immunsystems Verbesserung des Hautbildes Durchblutungsfördernd Wirkung der Detoxwickel: Unsere Wickel wirken zunächst kühlend und dann erwärmend. Die durch die Behandlung erfolgende Lymphdrainage führt zu einer zusätzlichen Entschlackung der Problemzonen. Ein toller "Nebeneffekt" ist die straffende Wirkung auf das Bindegewebe. Unsere Detox-Wickel: Detox Körperwickel für die Haut: Aktive Entgiftung und Entschlackung der Haut. Detox Körperwickel für die Leber: Aktive Entgiftung und Entschlackung des gesamten Körpers. Detox Körperwickel für die Milz: Aktive Entgiftung und Entschlackung der Milz. Detox Körperwickel für die Haut: Ist die Entgiftung unseres größten Organs notwendig? Die Umwelt hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark verändert, und Sonneneinstrahlung sowie Umweltverschmutzung gelten als Hauptursache für vorzeitige Hautalterung. Studien belegen, dass kontaminierte Luft zu Gelbtönen, Flecken, Austrocknung, Faltenbildung, Hautalterung und übermäßiger Talgproduktion führen kann. Entgiften und entschlacken Sie Ihre Haut mit unseren ausgewählten Aromastoffen! Wirkung: Unsere Behandlung wirkt zunächst kühlend und dann erwärmend. Die Lymphdrainage führt zu einer starken Entschlackung der Problemzonen. Als toller "Nebeneffekt" kann unser Detox Körperwickel Bindegewebe straffen. Vorteile auf einen Blick: Aktive Entgiftung und Entschlackung für die Haut Aktivierung des Stoffwechsels Stärkung des Immunsystems Verbesserung des Hautbildes Durchblutungsfördernd Entschlaken mit Wiener Kosmetikum Aromawickel Detoxkur mit der Kraft der Natur Detox wird leider oft mit einer Abnehmkur verwechselt. Das primäre Ziel von Detox ist jedoch die Entgiftung und Entschlackung des Körpers. Unsere Detox-Serie unterstützt die Hauptfilter unseres Körpers: Leber, Milz und Haut. Unsere speziell entwickelten Kräuterkombinationen helfen dabei, Giftstoffe und überschüssige Stoffwechselprodukte aus dem Körper zu entfernen - heute wichtiger denn je. Die Wirkung der Detoxwickel: ​ Zunächst kühlend, dann erwärmend. Die durch die Behandlung erfolgte Lymphdrainage führt zusätzlich zu einer Entschlackung der Problemzonen. Als toller "Nebeneffekt" wirkt unser Detox-Körperwickel auch straffend auf das Bindegewebe. Vorteile auf einen Blick: ​ Aktivierung des Stoffwechsels Stärkung des Immunsystems Verbesserung des Hautbildes Durchblutungsfördernd Unsere Detox-Wickel: ​ Detox-Körperwickel für die Haut: Aktive Entgiftung und Entschlackung der Haut. Detox-Körperwickel für die Leber: Aktive Entgiftung und Entschlackung des gesamten Körpers. Detox-Körperwickel für die Milz: Aktive Entgiftung und Entschlackung der Milz. Detox-Körperwickel für die Haut: ​ Ist die Entgiftung unseres größten Organs notwendig? Unsere Umwelt hat sich stark verändert, und Sonneneinstrahlung sowie Umweltverschmutzung gelten als Hauptursachen für vorzeitige Hautalterung. Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen, dass kontaminierte Luft Gelbtöne, Flecken, Austrocknung, Faltenbildung und eine übermäßige Talgproduktion beschleunigt. Entgiften und Entschlacken Sie Ihre Haut mit unseren ausgewählten Aromastoffen! ​ Wirkung: Zunächst kühlend, dann erwärmend. Die durch die Behandlung erfolgte Lymphdrainage führt zu einer starken Entschlackung der Problemzonen. Als toller "Nebeneffekt" kann der Wiener Kosmetikum Detox-Körperwickel das Bindegewebe straffend wirken. Detox-Körperwickel für die Leber ​ Die Leber ist ein lebenswichtiges Organ, das eine Vielzahl von Funktionen im Körper erfüllt. Eine Leber-Detox-Behandlung ist wichtig, um die Gesundheit und Funktionsfähigkeit dieses Organs zu unterstützen. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum eine Leber-Detox wichtig ist: ​ Entgiftungsfunktion: Die Leber ist das Hauptentgiftungsorgan des Körpers. Sie filtert Giftstoffe, Schadstoffe und Stoffwechselabfälle aus dem Blut und wandelt sie in weniger schädliche Substanzen um, die dann aus dem Körper ausgeschieden werden können. Stoffwechsel: Die Leber spielt eine zentrale Rolle im Stoffwechselprozess, einschließlich der Verarbeitung von Nährstoffen, der Regulierung des Blutzuckerspiegels und der Produktion von Gallenflüssigkeit, die für die Verdauung von Fetten benötigt wird. Immunsystem: Eine gesunde Leber trägt zur Stärkung des Immunsystems bei, indem sie Infektionen bekämpft und die Produktion von Immunzellen unterstützt. Energieproduktion: Die Leber speichert und gibt Energie in Form von Glukose frei, um den Energiebedarf des Körpers zu decken. Sie ist auch an der Umwandlung von Nährstoffen in energiereiche Verbindungen beteiligt. Hormonregulation: Die Leber spielt eine Rolle bei der Regulierung verschiedener Hormone im Körper, einschließlich Sexualhormone und Hormone, die den Stoffwechsel und den Blutdruck beeinflussen. Durch eine Leber-Detox-Behandlung können Giftstoffe und Ablagerungen, die sich im Laufe der Zeit in der Leber ansammeln können, entfernt werden. Dies kann dazu beitragen, die Leberfunktion zu verbessern, die Gesundheit zu unterstützen und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu fördern. Detox-Körperwickel für die Milz: ​ Die Milz spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Immunsystem und im Blutkreislauf des Körpers. Obwohl sie nicht primär für die Entgiftung verantwortlich ist wie die Leber, ist die Milz dennoch an der Entfernung von alten oder beschädigten roten Blutkörperchen beteiligt und hilft, bestimmte Giftstoffe und Fremdstoffe aus dem Blut zu filtern. Eine Milz-Detox-Behandlung kann daher dazu beitragen, die Funktionen der Milz zu unterstützen und die allgemeine Gesundheit zu verbessern. Indem sie die Belastung der Milz reduziert und ihre Effizienz erhöht, kann eine Detox-Behandlung helfen, das Immunsystem zu stärken und die Entgiftungsfunktionen des Körpers insgesamt zu verbessern. Detox-Körperwickel ​ Einzelbehandlung ca. 60min €88 mit Slimyonik Lymphmassage 90min €125 3er Kur-Behandlung(ca.60min) €249 3er Kur-Behandlung mit Slimyonik (ca.90min) €329 Detox-Bauchmassage (ca 45 min) €99 FrühlingsDetox Challenge in Mai 2024 1 x Detox-Körperwickel für die Haut 1 x Detox-Körperwickel für die Leber 1 x Detox-Körperwickel für die Milz 1 x Detox-Bauchmassage (ca 40 min) 4 x Slimyonik Lymphmassage (anschließend die Körperwickel und die Bauchmassage)) jetz nur €399 Geschenke :1 x Basenkapseln von Slimyonik oder 1 x DoTerra Lemon Öl 1 x Gratis-Anwendung mit unserem revolutionären Alpha Cooling Professional! ​

  • Massage | Kitz Massage | Kitzbühel

    Harmony for body, mind and soul MASSAGES Our innovations! Alpha Cooling® Professional Revolutionary cold treatment in the heart of Kitzbühel Discover the groundbreaking technology in the areas of pain relief, regeneration and performance enhancement. ACP - Alpha Cooling® Professional This whole-body cold application works gently on your palms using a combination of cold and negative pressure and can therefore provide relief from rheumatic pain, chronic inflammation and numerous other symptoms of illness. We invite you to a free trial appointment so that you can see for yourself how effective it is. I want to know more Viennese cosmetic aroma wrap More beautiful and slimmer with the power of nature! The Wiener Kosmetikum® aroma wrap is a unique and highly effective body treatment with natural substances, directly from Austria! With these applications you can achieve extremely spectacular results in the areas of cellulite treatment, slimming and skin tightening right from the first treatment, although the results achieved can be significantly increased with a spa treatment! I want to know more Pamper yourself with a specially developed massage technique! ​The fit Face Facial massage is not a facial massage of a cosmetic nature. The movements are stronger and more intense. The aim is to knead the facial muscles. By strengthening the facial muscles, the wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect can be seen and felt after the first massage. I want to know more Massages Classic full body massage Continue Your recipe for success will reach your goal holistically! During an extremely relaxing massage, the lymph flow is activated and metabolic products are removed from the tissue. At the same time, the metabolism is increased and the tissue is targeted to the stomach, legs & Buttocks tightened. I want to know more I am enthusiastic about Eva's massages and will always be her customer. Marie Testimonials I was there for the first time today and the massage was absolutely great! Really really good!!! Nice studio and even with parking and that right in the center! I would love to come back !! See you soon dear Eva .... Sandra Very professional and helpful massage both for athletic overuse of the muscles but also for tension in the neck and back muscles. Ewald Contact +43 (0) 664 957 3383 Wegscheidgasse 16 6370 - Kitzbühel opposite JET gas station Contact data protection

  • MASSAGEN | Kitz-Massage

    Massages Classic massages Full body massage Total relaxation from head to toe. The comprehensive massage relieves tension, loosens muscles and gives new energy and vitality. 50 min €68 75 min €96 90 minutes €109 Classic partial body massage Back/neck-shoulder/legs 25 min € 38 Sports massage Sports massage is a supplement to classic massage and is usually used to relieve tension after sporting activities, but also to prepare for training or competition. It promotes the athlete's well-being and increases performance. The massage is therefore carried out vigorously. 50 min €72 75 min €99 90 min €112 Foot massages By specifically stimulating the nerve points, the entire organism can be stimulated and your body's self-healing powers can be activated. 25 mins €38 50 minutes €72 Combo massage Back and feet 50 minutes €68 Lymphatic drainage The purpose of this massage is to activate the body's lymphatic system. The lymph ensures optimal drainage of the body and is the carrier of the entire defense system of the organism. Lymphatic drainage is excellent for tension conditions such as edema, water retention, for detoxification and purification, or for stress, restlessness, sleep disorders, runny nose, digestive problems, strains and after surgical procedures. 50 min €72 75 minutes €99 90 minutes €112 Special massages Kitz special With homemade St. John's wort oil, from St. John's wort picked on Hornköpflewiese 50 min €72 Honey massage It is an old Tibetan/Russian healing method. The honey massage causes tissue irritation through the skin. The blood circulation is strongly stimulated, which means that relaxed areas can purify, regenerate and achieve pain relief. The massage opens the pores and allows the skin to breathe more freely. 40 min €72 Headmassage (Head-Neck-Schoulder) After a stressful day at the office or car, this massage is perfect for relaxing your shoulders and neck. Targets areas of tension using specific massage moves and acupressure to clear the mind, promote relaxation and relieve stiffness. 50 min € 68 Mud pack for the back Pamper yourself with a Lomi lomi Hawaiian massage. Enjoy the flowing movements from head to toe of the "queen of all massages" Without treatment 25 min € 33 with treatment 25 min i€ 22 Back Intensive Release the extreme neck, shoulder and back tension with changing temperature (warm stones and cooling aromatic oil mixture) and intensity. The strong heating increases blood circulation in the tissue and muscles, cell metabolism increases and waste products can be removed more easily. 40 min €72 60 min €90 Soothing massages Aromatic oil massage with DoTerra certified essential oils This soft, flowing treatment with an aromatic oil loosens and relaxes the muscles, tightens the connective tissue, improves skin tension, relieves pain and allows pent-up energy to flow freely again. The essential oils have an effect on both the body and the psyche. 50 min €72 75 min €99 90 min €112 Hot stone massage Experience the beneficial effects of the hot stone massage, the relaxation through the warm stones for both body and mind 60 min €90 90 min €121 Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage Pamper yourself with a Lomi lomi Hawaiian massage. Enjoy the flowing movements from head to toe of the "queen of all massages" 60 min €90 90 min €121 doTerra AromaTouch® Technique A gentle yet powerful spine treatment with 8 different dōTERRA CPTG® certified essential oils. about 50 minutes €78 fit Face Facial massage The fit Face Facial massage is not a facial massage of a cosmetic nature. The movements are stronger and more intense. The aim is to knead the facial muscles. By strengthening the facial muscles, the wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect can be seen and felt after the first massage. I want to know more Home visit from 95 EUR/1 hour

  • SLIMYONIK | Kitz-Massage

    SLIMYONICS | AIR body styler More effective fat burning thanks to the extra oxygen! During an extremely relaxing massage, the lymph flow is activated and metabolic products are removed from the tissue. At the same time, the metabolism is increased and the tissue is targeted to the stomach, legs & Buttocks tightened. IYour recipe for success will help you achieve your goal holistically Cellulite and obesity are as widespread as the many unsuccessful attempts to permanently combat them. Our credo: Take a relaxed and holistic approach - with SLIMYONIK® AIR applications from inside and outside. The basis is the Bodystyler with oxygen inhalation in the SLIMYONIK® partner institutes. His individual pressure wave massages and the simultaneous inhalation of oxygen-enriched breathing air gently mobilize your lymphatic system and stimulate metabolism and blood circulation in the skin and fatty tissue. ​ Slimyonic treatments: Individual treatment €62 10-course treatment €499 10-course treatment with 10 cellulite massage or detoxification body wrap €999 ​ Body treatments: Cellulite massage about 45 minutes €65 Detoxification body wrap approx. 45 min €65 Cellulite massage and detoxification body wrap approx. 75 min €92 SLIMYONIK body styling programs: Slim & Cellulite massage Stimulates the reduction of fat deposits, tightening and strengthening the connective tissue. Cellulite massage Targeted tightening of the connective tissue, smoothing of the skin profile by stimulating lymphatic flow and blood circulation. Lymphatic massage Stimulates the removal of water retention, helps with detoxification. A real relief for heavy, swollen legs. Relaxing massage Deep inner calming, pleasant relaxation, stimulating metabolism. Sports- massage Optimal regeneration after active sporting activity, supports the breakdown of lactate and can prevent muscle soreness ​ Special programs to accompany cavitation treatment/after liposuction/reader lipo Kundenbewertungen "Als Trainerin war Selbstpflege immer mein Fokus, aber in letzter Zeit vernachlässigte ich es. Mit Slimyonik habe ich eine Lösung gefunden, die nicht nur meine Cellulite reduziert, sondern auch meine Beine leichter macht und sogar meine Krampfader zurückbildet! Mit nur 5 Anwendungen spüre ich bereits den Unterschied. Schnell, effektiv und wissenschaftlich fundiert - das ist Slimyonik! " Andrea, Sankt Johann in Tirol

  • BODYWRAP | Kitz-Massage

    Body Wrap More beautiful and slimmer with the power of nature! The Wiener Kosmetikum® aroma wrap is a unique and highly effective body treatment with natural substances, directly from Austria! With these applications you can achieve extremely spectacular results in the areas of cellulite treatment, slimming and skin tightening right from the first treatment, although the results achieved can be significantly increased with a spa treatment! The aroma wrapping method is suitable for anyone who has problems with their figure. It is also recommended for reducing cellulite, refining the feel of the skin, treating stretch and stretch marks, treating skin problems associated with weight gain and loss, and tightening sagging, sagging skin. It is particularly suitable as an aid to any diet, or as a supplementary treatment to a purification and detoxification treatment or a therapeutic fast. What can you achieve with this treatment? Size reduction and acceleration of fat loss through the cold-warm effect. The result can be measured in centimeters immediately after treatment. ​ Targeted detoxification of problem areas thanks to the composition of essential oils and the effect of a special wrapping technique. ​ Strong anti-cellulite effect. There are special active ingredients for stronger cellulite. ​ Achieving a significant tightening of the skin and tissue in the treated areas through the successive technological steps and the wrapping technique. Why is change guaranteed? The Wiener Kosmetikum® body treatment is a special technology that cannot be compared to any other slimming procedure! The method is based on a cold-warm effect. The essential oils contained in the active ingredients cause intensive blood circulation and blood flow to the upper connective tissue layer hten, which in turn creates a feeling of inner coldness in the deeper layers of the body. One of the basic functions of the body is maintaining internal thermal balance, which is necessary for the functioning of the body and its internal organs. To maintain thermal balance, the body must break down and burn excess stored nutrients (body fat) to use the resulting energy to maintain thermal balance. The course of treatment: ​ The part of the body to be treated is rubbed with the essential oils suitable for the problem, then the patient is tightly wrapped in a compress soaked with special active ingredients from the knees to the lower chest. The active ingredients develop their effect during the subsequent 45-minute rest phase. After the wrap is removed, the post-treatment cream is applied to the problem areas, which improves the elasticity, firmness and moisture of the skin. ​ The first amazing results ” Last summer I tried a 10-course treatment with Viennese cosmetic body wraps with Eva at the Kitz Massage Studio. I've struggled with loose skin since I was a teenager and unfortunately I've also developed more and more cellulite. After the treatment, my cellulite has visibly reduced and my skin has become noticeably firmer. I can highly recommend this treatment.” Beautiful and slim body treatments ​ Individual treatment approx. 60min €88 with Slimyonics 90min €125 10s Spa treatment (60min) €799 10s Spa treatment (90min) €999 Customer reviews ” To the entire Kitz Massage team, all ladies tried hard and friendly. Flexible and great opening hours. Very clean and hygienic. Had 10 treatments with the Viennese cosmetic aroma wrap, was very happy with the results and would recommend it to everyone. A big thank you to the whole team!” K.F Kitzbühe "I am extremely satisfied that I tried the body wraps at the Kitz Massage Studio Wiener Kosmetikum. I had pretty deep stretch marks from my pregnancy, but they are less pronounced now and look much better. Thank you very much dear Eva, I can only warmly recommend it." Slavika, Saint John After the Viennese cosmetic aroma wrap, we recommend the Slimyonik lymphatic massage, to support the elimination of waste products.

  • ACP CRYOTHERAPY | Kitz-Massage

    Massages Revolutionary cold treatment in the heart of Kitzbühel Discover the groundbreaking technology in the areas of pain relief, regeneration and performance enhancement. ACP - Alpha Cooling® Professional This whole-body cold application works gently on your palms using a combination of cold and negative pressure and can therefore provide relief from rheumatic pain, chronic inflammation and numerous other symptoms of illness. We invite you to a free trial appointment so that you can see for yourself how effective it is. What happens in the body? ​ Release of endorphins Endorphins are the body's own hormones. They reduce stress and have a pain-relieving effect. Endorphins are produced by the body itself. Braking inflammation Cold slows down the metabolism and thus also the inflammatory processes. ​ Oxygen transport Blood carries oxygen. That is known. Less known but at least as important is, among other things: the transport of nutrients to the cells. Thinning of the blood The blood becomes thinner in the short term for faster and improved supply to the body. Calming the nervous system Cold causes harmonization in the autonomic nervous system. The so-called sympathetic nervous system is activated in the short term and the parasympathetic nervous system is strengthened in the long term. This reduces stress (pain also means “stress” for the body) and stimulates self-healing powers. Erfahrungsberichte Areas of application ​ Gentle cold treatment without medication and side effects ​ • Arthritis • Migraines • Headache • Inflammation • Rheumatism • Chronic inflammation • Back pain • Joint pain • Nerve pain • Carpal tunnel syndrome • Increased blood pressure • Sports injuries • Strains • Long Covid • Depressions • Sleep disorders, • Muscle aches CryoMETHOD - positive effects i n your body ​ When you use cold with Alpha Cooling® Professional, you activate your body's own Processes. Completely natural. Completely without freezing. Your body releases endorphins and Thins the blood in the short term - thereby preventing the transport of oxygen and nutrients is facilitated. A cryo application can not only be helpful or relieving - Cold applications have always been known for increasing performance, for regeneration, for better sleep,... Arrange your short FREE trial appointment today. DR. MED. FRANK WOLFRAM​​ "In unserer täglichen Patientenbetreuung beschäftigen wir uns oft mit Kälteanwendungen. Neugierig und interessiert verfolgten wir daher die Entwicklung und beschriebenen Wirkungsweisen von ALPHA COOLING PROFESSIONAL (ACP). Um ACP auch zu testen, besuchten wir Ihren Showroom im Allgäu. Die sofort eintretende und nachhaltige Wirkung war erstaunlich. Auch die sehr einfache und unkomplizierte Art der Anwendung überzeugte uns. Daher entschlossen wir uns, ACP in unser Therapiekonzept zu integrieren und unseren Patienten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Um die positive Wirkungsweise weiter zu analysieren, werden wir behandlungsbegleitende Studien vornehmen.Ich bin von der raschen und effektiven Wirkung und der sehr unkomplizierten Form der ACP-Anwendung begeistert und wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg." DR. MED. MARTIN OECHLER "Vielversprechend bei Lipödem. Beim Lipödem handelt es sich um eine Fettverteilungsstörung letztlich unbekannter Ursache, die ausschließlich bei Frauen auftritt. Neben dem störenden kosmetischen Bild leiden die betroffenen Frauen häufig unter Schmerzen, die v.a. durch Wasseransammlung im Fettgewebe und dem damit einhergehenden Druck auf Muskeln und Nerven verursacht werden.Kältetherapie mit ACP zeigt Erfolge bei betroffenen Frauen. Offensichtlich zeigt die moderate Senkung der Körperkerntemperatur Wirkung auf die kleinen Gefäße und regt die Wasserausscheidung an, was die Schmerzen ebenso lindern kann wie eine direkte schmerzstillende Wirkung auf die betroffene Nerven. ACP ist damit eine vielversprechende Anwendung bei dem ansonsten therapeutisch nur schwer zugänglichen Krankheitsbild." Alpha cooling treatments Single treatment: €40 10-course treatment: €350 +1: Try it for free!

  • SPEZIALMASSAGEN | Kitz-Massage

    Massages Kitz special With homemade St. John's wort oil, from St. John's wort picked on Hornköpflewiese 50 min €72 Honey massage It is an old Tibetan-Russian healing method. The honey massage causes tissue irritation through the skin. The blood circulation is strongly stimulated, which means that relaxed areas can purify, regenerate and achieve pain relief. The massage opens the pores and allows the skin to breathe more freely. 40 min €72 Head massage Head, neck, shoulders Head massage Head, neck shoulder Targets areas of tension using specific massage moves and acupressure to clear the mind, promote relaxation and relieve stiffness. 50 min € 68 Mud pack for the back Pamper yourself with a Lomi lomi Hawaiian massage. Enjoy the flowing movements from head to toe of the "queen of all massages" Without treatment 25 min € 30 with treatment 25 min i€ 20 Mud pack for the back Pamper yourself with a Lomi lomi Hawaiian massage. Enjoy the flowing movements from head to toe of the "queen of all massages" Without treatment 25 min € 30 with treatment 25 min i€ 20

  • DATENSCHUTZ | Kitz-Massage

    Declaration of information obligation The protection of your personal data is particularly important to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions (GDPR, TKG 2003). In this data protection information we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing on our website. Contact us If you contact us by email, the data you provide will be stored by us for six months in order to process your request and in case of follow-up questions. We will not pass on this data without your consent. Web analytics Our website uses functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics, Web analysis service from Google Inc, (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, Cookies are used for this purpose, which enable an analysis of the use of the website by your users. The information generated in this way is transferred to the provider's server and stored there . You can prevent this by setting up your browser so that no cookies are stored. We have concluded a corresponding contract for data processing with the provider. Your IP address is recorded, but immediately pseudonymized (e.g. by deleting the last 8 bits). . This means that only a rough localization is possible. The data processing is carried out on the basis of the legal provisions of Section 96 Paragraph 3 TKG and Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the GDPR. Our concern in mind The GDPR (legitimate interest) is to improve our offering and our website. Since the privacy of our users is important to us, the user data is pseudonymized. The user data is stored for a period of 14 months. Your rights In principle, you have the rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Austria this is the data protection authority. You can reach us using the following contact details: Kitz Massage - Eva Farkas Tax number: 82153/6570 Wegscheidgasse 16. 6370 Kitzbühel

  • IMPRESSUM | Kitz-Massage

    Responsible for the content: Kitz Massage / Eva Farkas Wegscheidgasse 16. Web: ​ Company register number 328880991 ​ Disclaimer Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages. Copyright and liability: All content and structure of this website are protected by copyright. Without our express consent, it is not permitted to copy or otherwise use our offer in whole or in part. No liability is assumed for the accuracy and completeness of the information presented and the data taken from other services. The information provided is not legally binding. Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages. data protection Google Analytics is used on this site. By using this site, you agree to the use of your data as part of these services. The purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Google as well as your related rights and setting options to protect your privacy can be found in Google's data protection information on the “+1″ button: > If you are a Google Plus member and do not want Google to collect data about you via our website and link it to your membership data stored with Google, you must log out of Google Plus before visiting our website.


    fit Face Facial massage Pamper yourself with a specially developed massage technique! ​ The fit Face Facial massage is not a facial massage of a cosmetic nature. The movements are stronger and more intense. The aim is to knead the facial muscles. By strengthening the facial muscles, the wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect can be seen and felt after the first massage. ​ Gold 40 mins €77 GFacial cleansing, massage (face, neck, décolletage) with valuable natural products e.g. B. Argan oil, frankincense (DoTerra certified essential oils) ​ Platinum 60 mins €99 GFacial cleansing, massage (face, neck, décolleté, arms) with valuable natural products e.g. B. Argan oil, frankincense (DoTerra certified essential oils), Healy frequency therapy skin program Diamond 85 mins €144 facial cleansing, peeling, mask, light therapy, Massage (face, neck, décolletage, arms) with valuable natural products e.g. argan oil, frankincense (DoTerra certified essential oils), Healy frequency therapy skin program, Hand peeling and hand mask

  • FRISCHE KICK | Kitz-Massage

    Fresh kick Viennese cosmetic ice wrap No more tired, swollen legs! ​ Experience a real solution to this annoying problem! Our sensationalFresh kick leg wraps from Wiener Kosmetikum is the key to lighter, more vital legs. With our ice wraps you will get rid of the feeling of heavy, tired legs. The mysterious combination of eucalyptus and peppermint has an anti-inflammatory effect and the cinnamon it contains stimulates blood circulation. It soothes swollen legs, soothes stressed skin and relaxes your muscles. The refreshing aroma of the revitalizing herbs also gives you the ultimate freshness kick. ​ Who is the ice wrap massage suitable for? ​ For people who fly long distances, drivers, athletes, hikers, people with sedentary or standing jobs, people with vascular problems or simply to "feel good". The course of treatment: ​ It begins with a dry brush peeling to better absorb the active ingredients and decongest the tissue. The legs are rubbed with the appropriate essential oils, then the patient is wrapped in a wrap soaked in special active ingredients. The active ingredients develop their effect during the subsequent 35-minute rest phase. After the wrap is removed, the after-treatment gel is applied to the legs. This gel gently promotes lymph flow and gives a feeling of lightness and youthful freshness. Individual treatment approx. 60min €88 with Slimyonik lymphatic massage approx. 90min €99 Discover the fresh kick leg wraps from Wiener Kosmetikum now and experience the feeling of lighter, more vital legs! Make an appointment now and let yourself be enchanted by its beneficial effects. Your legs will thank you!


    Massages Full body massage 50 min €68 75 min € 96 90 min € 109 Classic partial body massage Back/neck-shoulder/legs 25 min € 38 Sports massage 50 min €72 75 min €99 90 min €112 Foot massages 25 min €38 50 min €72 Combo massage 50 min €68 Foot massages 25 min €38 50 min €72

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